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0031 6 49069430



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0031 6 49069430

Complaints procedure

At Layla Ajedday , I strive to provide high-quality dental care and ensure a pleasant experience for every patient. However, it may happen that you are not entirely satisfied. To handle any complaints fairly, I adhere to the complaints procedure of the Dutch Association of Dental Hygienists (NVM-mondhygiënisten).

Discuss the complaint

I encourage you to discuss your complaint with me first. Often, we can find a solution together. You can:

Address your complaint verbally during an appointment, or

Submit your complaint in writing via email or post.

Complaints procedure of NVM-mondhygiënisten

If we cannot resolve the matter together, you can submit your complaint to the Dental Hygienists Complaints Procedure. This procedure provides an independent complaints officer who will support and mediate. If mediation does not lead to a solution, the complaint can be referred to a dispute committee.


Your feedback is important to me. Together, we will find the best solution!

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